--- Rave Review ---

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Nov 29, 2009

Oh Friend of Love, Forever

This poem, Oh friend of Love, Forever was recorded live with WGF himself providing the reading. After we played it back he told me was upset with how he sounded, especially his pronunciation of the words "eternal" and "damned".

He told me he wasn't finished with it yet, but I convinced him to go ahead and get this one out to the public. Graciously he consented. WGF does not know I added some background mood music to this poem, and I'm not sure what his opinion is of this method.

One afternoon, while sipping a caramel macchiato at Border's bookstore, WGF commented to me, "Hey. You ever heard poems being read with some mood music in the background? I'm thinking about doing that sometime. My stuff could use a little spice. But on the other hand I think it's a crutch for shitty poets."

I took our brief conversation as permission to do edit his poem. Comments welcome on mood music, not WGF's poem...please.

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